Our Story
Respect for dedication

We’re here to celebrate the hardest workers. People who are determined, seeing every moment as an opportunity.  The ones who show up and give everything they’ve got. We don’t compromise in the kitchen, office, or anywhere else. Why should our beer be any different?

No shortcuts.
No excuses.

Everyday, we strive to be a little bit stronger than the day before. To work a little harder. To brew a little better. Perfecting this recipe took two years’ worth of work with the very best minds in the brewing industry. We sweated every detail to make the best light beer possible. We're proud that EIGHT is light beer made right.

Life is a team sport

We push ourselves everyday, but we do so with others in mind. From day one, we’re giving back 1% of our revenue to community efforts, starting with grassroots charity organizations in our home states — because we’re all stronger when we grow together.